
Dutchie Point of Sale

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August 23, 2022

Work Overview:

On March 16th, 2021, Dutchie, an eCommerce tech company announced it's acquisition of LeafLogix and Greenbits, two of the leading point of sale solutions in the cannabis space. It was decided by leadership to build a Dutchie Point of Sale on the bones of LeafLogix, the stronger of the two solutions. As the Lead Product Designer of LeafLogix, I was named Lead Designer for Dutchie's Point of Sale.


  • Seamless Integration: Combine LeafLogix’s robust features into a unified Dutchie POS system, ensuring a smooth transition for existing LeafLogix users.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Redesign the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to improve usability and satisfaction for cannabis retailers.
  • Scalable and Flexible Design: Develop a scalable solution that supports diverse business needs, including multi-location management, dynamic pricing, and complex inventory management.
  • Scope of Work:

    The scope of work for the Dutchie Point of Sale project included several key phases:

    • Discovery and Research:
      • Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing LeafLogix system, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
      • Engaged with current LeafLogix users and stakeholders to gather insights and understand their needs and pain points.
      • Evaluated Greenbits' features to ensure that valuable functionalities were incorporated into the new Dutchie POS system
      Design and Development:
      • Wireframes and Prototypes: Developed initial wireframes and prototypes to visualize the redesigned POS system's layout and functionality. These prototypes were iteratively refined based on feedback.
      • UI/UX Redesign: Created a modern, intuitive user interface and improved user experience design to enhance usability and streamline workflows for cannabis retailers.
      • Integration and Testing: Worked closely with engineering teams to ensure seamless integration of LeafLogix’s core functionalities into the Dutchie platform. Conducted thorough testing to identify and address any issues before the system launch.
      Feedback and Iteration:
      • Stakeholder Workshops: Facilitated workshops with stakeholders and key users to review design concepts and gather feedback.
      • Internal Reviews: Held regular design review sessions with Dutchie’s product design team to incorporate feedback and make necessary adjustments.
      • Beta Testing: Conducted beta testing with select users to validate the redesigned system and gather additional insights for final refinements.


  • Pandemic Restrictions: The entire project was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, which presented significant challenges. Cannabis businesses, deemed essential services, remained operational through curbside pick-up, but in-person client visits were not possible due to closed borders and travel restrictions.
  • Limited In-Person Observation: I was unable to visit clients in person or observe their workflows directly. This limitation required reliance on virtual interactions and feedback, which made it more challenging to fully understand on-the-ground operational nuances.
  • Solutions:

  • Hi-Fi Prototypes: Developed high-fidelity prototypes to provide a clear and interactive representation of the redesigned POS system. These prototypes helped in visualizing the end product and gathering specific feedback from users.
  • Remote Usability Testing: Utilized Zoom’s screen-sharing feature to allow participants to control my screen and interact with the prototypes. This approach enabled clients to navigate through various workflows, including medical and recreational transactions, sales, bundles, discounts, and different payment methods.
  • Detailed Task Scenarios: Created detailed tasks for clients to follow during remote testing sessions. These tasks were designed to guide users through essential workflows, providing valuable insights into their experience with the new system and ensuring it met their operational needs.
  • The redesign of Dutchie’s Point of Sale system, building on the strengths of LeafLogix, successfully addressed the needs of cannabis retailers and enhanced the overall user experience. The project not only integrated valuable features from both acquired systems but also introduced modern design elements that improved usability and efficiency. The collaborative approach and iterative feedback process were crucial in delivering a solution that met the high standards of Dutchie’s brand and its users. This project highlights the importance of leveraging existing strengths while innovating to meet evolving industry demands.

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