
Client • 

Björn Barends

Category • 

Web Design

Date • 

June 17, 2024

Work Overview:

In the creation of a portfolio for comic book artist Bjorn Barends, the project aimed to encapsulate his artistic vision, showcase his unique style, and effectively engage potential clients and fans. The portfolio was designed to be both visually captivating and user-friendly, reflecting Barends' dynamic artwork while ensuring ease of navigation. The project involved curating a selection of his best work, incorporating detailed descriptions and context for each piece, and implementing a cohesive design that harmonized with his artistic identity.


  1. The primary objectives were to enhance Bjorn Barends' online presence, highlight his range and versatility as a comic book artist, and provide a platform that facilitates easy access to his portfolio for potential collaborators and clients.
  2. This included creating a visually stunning layout that emphasizes his artwork, integrating interactive elements to showcase process sketches and finished pages, and ensuring that the portfolio is optimized for various devices and screen sizes.
  3. Additionally, the aim was to craft a narrative around Barends' work that conveys his creative journey and artistic philosophy, making his portfolio not just a gallery, but a storytelling tool that connects with viewers on a deeper level.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work encompassed several key phases:

  • Design and Layout: Developed a visually engaging design that complements Barends' artistic style. This included selecting a color scheme, typography, and layout that enhance the visual impact of his work.
  • Content Curation: Selected and organized a diverse range of Barends' comic book pages, illustrations, and concept art. Each piece was accompanied by descriptions that provide context and insight into the creative process.
  • Purchasing URL and DNS Configuration: Acquired a custom domain name for the portfolio and configured DNS records to point to Webflow, ensuring that the website was accessible under the desired URL.
  • Ensuring Compliance with EU/Germany Regulations: Implemented an "Impressum" page to meet EU/Germany's website regulations, ensuring legal compliance and transparency.
  • Interactive Features: Implemented interactive elements such as zoom-in functionality for detailed artwork views

Creating Bjorn Barends' portfolio was a fulfilling project that allowed for a deep dive into his artistic world. The final product is a testament to his talent and creativity, providing an immersive experience for visitors. The portfolio not only showcases his impressive body of work but also communicates his unique artistic voice, helping him stand out in the competitive field of comic book art. The project highlighted the importance of a well-crafted portfolio in building an artist’s brand and connecting with an audience, setting a solid foundation for future opportunities and collaborations.

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